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Stormtech clothing - distributor - Mens Equinox jacket - KX-2 - discounted at $35.00 compare at $40.00


Stormtech  equinox packable jacket is a great event piece as it can be folded and packed within it's pocket . The Stormtech KX-2 is the most economical choice of jackets within the Stormtech performance apparel line of products . This value packed jacket does not compromise quality as it offers 600mm showerproof technology and  reflective trim on shoulders . Offered in men's and women's styles . Discount priced at $35.00 .Available in Men's and women's sizes. For volume or custom embroidery quotes please call customer service at 778-879-0504. Any order over 12 jackets will get free shipping in Canada and USA.

48+ Jackets - $30.00

96+ Jackets - $27.00

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