Contact us for volume orders or custom decoration - All USA orders call for pricing

Shipping, Returns & Exchange Policy

How do I place an order?

Please contact our office via phone, email or fax. We are pleased to announce that online ordering is now available. Please contact our office to setup a new account or get access to online log in.

Is there a minimum order requirement?

Minimum order is $50.00

What are my payment options?

We accept the following credit card payments, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express. Net 30 days terms is also available but based on credit approval.

How do I track my order?

Please note that Safety Products Canada will provide you with an order confirmation via email and a tracking number to track the status of your purchase once your order has shipped.

When will my order ship?

Order will ship within 1 -3 days upon receipt of order. Safety Products Canada can arrange expedited shipping at an additional cost to the customer if required.

Freight Policy:

All orders over $2,000.00 before applicable taxes will be prepaid to one destination in Canada. 

Please note:

Due to significant increases in freight costs, Safety Products Canada will invoice all prepaid shipments at the "current" fuel surcharge of the respective carrier. This will be shown as a separate line item on your invoice titled "Fuel Surcharge". Customers with shipping destinations without the service of a loading dock are subject to tailgate charges. Minimum tailgate charges start at $45.00 and will be added to your invoice as a separate line item titled "Tailgate Charge". It is the customer's responsibility to provide the necessary equipment at the time of delivery for unloading products.

Special Handling Charges:

All additional charges for shipping and handling, including but not limited to Dangerous Goods or Heated Service, will be invoiced under a separate line charge on your invoice.

How do I file a claim for damages and / or shortages?

The carrier is responsible for damage or loss in transit. Claims must be filed within 15 days of receipt of shipment. Title passes to purchaser upon dispatch from manufacturer’s facility.

Phone 778-879-0504 if you see Stormtech advertised at a better price then give us a call and we will try to beat that offer

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods