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Outdoor Survival Canada - OSC

Outdoor Survival Canada - OSC Nini Winter jacket $775.00

The OSC Nini jacket is 650 loft down filled parka with removable coyote fur and hood . The 800 Entrax outershell is built for the harshest elements and is critically seem sealed . Smart collar design with flexi wire . This OSC  winter jacket is rated -40 degrees Celsius . We offer free shipping in Canada and USA on this OSC jacket. Style # OS1051 . Call 778-879-0504 for volume discount or custom embroidery quotes . Must call customer service for 50% off second jacket with a purchase of a jacket at regular price offer .

12+ Jackets - $675.00

24+ Jackets - $635.00

 Please note that we charge a 10% restocking fee on returns 

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Phone 778-879-0504 if you see Stormtech advertised at a better price then give us a call and we will try to beat that offer

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